Miami Water Damages - Flood Damage Restoration


Miami Water Damages Miami, FL 786-319-9585

Why immediate flood damage restoration is vital?

  • Electrical hazards: Any loose wiring or short circuits may electrify the water, making it potentially dangerous to life and property. Shutting down the mains line is vital following a flooding to prevent any probable electrical failures from turning into a hazard.
  • Contamination: The longer the water stays within your property, the greater the chances of contamination. Bacteria may grow and proliferate, leading to health hazards. If the flooding was caused due to overflowing drains/toilets, it can be extremely unsanitary, contributing to deadly diseases.
  • Mold growth: Water damage, when left unchecked, may provide ideal conditions for mold to grow. Mold feeds on organic matter such as wood or the paper on the drywall, which means that wherever it latches onto, it can literally eat into your prized possessions and property.
  • Weakens structure: Flooding can also compromise on your property’s structural integrity! With more intense flooding, comes intense damage to your property. Water can penetrate deep and cause foundation pilings to move, cause extreme structural damage, wall cracks and can turn drywall soft.

The flood damage restoration experts:

Our 3-step process involves: